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April 17 , 18
Build friendships while playing paintball and taking cover
  by David Morton


What do you think of when you hear the word paintball? Some people think it’s a rough game. Getting shot during a game hurts! But over the years, paintball has become very popular. Here are five good reasons why you should play the game with your friends.


It’s a team game

  Teamwork is an important part of paintball. During a game, you have to cooperate with your teammates. Each member has to do their part to help the team win. And you always have to watch each other’s backs! By working together, friendships can become stronger.


It teaches problem solving

  Paintball is a strategy game. One of the most popular ways to enjoy paintball is to play capture the flag. You enter the enemy base, steal their flag and take it back to your base. So you need to think of ways to overcome difficulties. And that can help you face challenges in your daily life.


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