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April 15
  An Extraordinary Event
What happened at Easter?
  by Ruth Devlin


People around the world will celebrate Easter tomorrow. But what exactly are they celebrating? They are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, God’s Son. Every life on Earth has ended in death, but Jesus’ death ended in life. Many believe Jesus’ resurrection is one of the most reliable facts of history!

  Not only the Bible but also other non-Christian historical accounts tell about Jesus, a real person. He lived in the Middle East more than 2,000 years ago. He never made a lot of money or ruled a country. It was his revolutionary teachings that angered the Jewish leaders of the day.

  Christian and non-Christian authorities agree that Jesus was crucified. Three days later, his tomb was found empty. Jesus had risen from the dead. His followers as well as many non-followers saw him. In all, more than 500 people saw Jesus after he rose from the dead.

  More importantly, his Disciples changed. After Jesus’ death, they hid, fearing for their lives. After Jesus’ resurrection, they became bold witnesses for Jesus and his message. That message still changes lives today – just as it did 2,000 years ago.


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