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April 20, 21
  Lovely Lisbon
One of Europe’s oldest cities pours on the charm
  by Ruth Devlin


When the sun shines, the buildings of Lisbon sparkle. The elegant city drapes itself over seven hills. Beauty is everywhere you look. The best way to experience this capital city is to walk so that you can take in the atmosphere. Stop at a bakery selling famous Portuguese custard tarts. Sit outside a small restaurant, and enjoy a meal of fresh seafood.

Buildings from the time of the Moors stand next to other historic buildings decorated with colorful tiles. As you walk, take note of these unofficial symbols of the city. The decorative tiles also have a practical purpose. They protect the buildings from the humidity and keep them cool in warm weather. They are said to reduce street noise as well.

Wander around the cobblestone streets of Alfama, the oldest part of the city. The narrow, winding streets in this hilly area are home to delightful cafés and quaint little houses. Climb up to Castelo de São Jorge, Saint George’s Castle, for a marvelous view of the city spread out below.


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