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February 26 , 27
  Convenient Clothing
Two ways to enjoy new clothes without buying them
  這兩種方式, 讓你不用買就能穿新衣
  by Ruth Devlin




2024 April 26, 27

Level: Med


Convenient Clothing

by Ruth Devlin


Two ways to enjoy new clothes without buying them



Packing for a trip can be a hassle. You’re often not exactly sure what you’ll need, so after you arrive you may wish that you had packed less. If you’re headed to Japan, Japan Airlines (JAL) wants to help. They are trying out a new clothing rental service for international travelers. From now until August 31, 2024, the airline will allow passengers on JAL flights to Japan to rent clothes from them. All you have to pack is your underwear and socks!


  The airline has teamed up with Sumitomo Corporation for the “Any Wear, Anywhere” clothing-sharing service. Sumitomo will be responsible for getting, delivering and laundering all the clothes. To reserve clothing, travelers must register online two weeks before traveling. They select the clothing that best suits the season and the purpose of their trip. Then they can use the clothing for up to two weeks. Pricing runs ¥5,000 to 7,000, and the clothing will be delivered to the traveler’s hotel. JAL’s program is meant to cut down on airplane weight because there won’t be so much luggage. That means a reduction in carbon emissions as well.


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